We have been keeping a secret:
we found a place for this sign,
a farm of our very own!
Tomorrow we formally sign and end a long season of waiting, hoping, searching —tomorrow we dive into a brand new adventure with more beautiful, messy learning. .
I’m choked up thinking about how deeply Justin and I have felt a calling to tend land together and make a space that feeds and nurtures others —what an incredible gift to finally make that happen.
Thank you @briandruihet for helping us find our farm, and @adavidmoore, @tmlovesam, and @hymasdebbie for supporting our dream!
Our beautiful cast iron pan logo was designed by @marnimanning and this incredible sign was hand cut and painted by @handsomehandsigns.
Thank you to everybody who listened to us go on and on about our wild ideas, who cried with us when the first farm fell through, and who encouraged us through the waiting. Party soon!!
Brian Druihet found us our farm and Ginny Duffy hooked us up with a fantastic mortgage.