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Asa is nine moons old! (Is that a measurement?)
This bedspread for my friend Lea was dyed with indigo using batik wax to make the moons and block printing ink to make the phases.

I’ve tried lots of different fun techniques in indigo and decided that batik is not my jam! The effect is made by drawing your design in a wax that will resist the indigo dye and then reveal your design in the fabric’s original color when you remove the wax. It makes such a cool effect and maybe I’ll try it more with different wax, but for now I am happier with the brightness and clarity of block printing ink on top of the indigo.

I think even if your current creative strategy is working for you, it’s important to try new styles and stretch yourself by learning new techniques. Even if you don’t end up ever using that different method again, seeing your work from a different perspective can improve what you do.

What is something new you’ve tried to up your creative game?
