
I've joined the writing team at Sacred Cow promoting information about ethically raised meat in conjunction with Diana Rodgers' upcoming documentary film, Sacred Cow: The Environmental, Nutritional, and Ethical Case for Better Meat.

If you've noticed an uptick in the cultural emphasis on plant-only nutrition that's because there's a very real agenda out there to smear meat (and not with barbecue sauce!) I'm writing for Sacred Cow because I've experienced the nutritional benefits of better meat, and when it comes to the environmental and ethical problems, it's not the cow, it's the how!

Keep an eye out for articles (especially sheep-related) from me on this exciting new blog!

This one and this one are already released!

The increase in negative messages about meat in the last few years is no coincidence. It’s easy to blame the systemic problems of agribusiness on consumer choices, but that doesn’t really address the underlying problems. The industrial meat industry in many ways falls short of the way animals, workers, and the environment should be treated —but it doesn’t have to be that way, and by purchasing responsibly raised meat and holding agribusiness accountable, we can harness the way livestock was meant to enhance the environment and our nutrition.

If you care about where your food comes from, be sure to follow @sustainabledish and go to Sacred Cow to support the documentary film’s post-production.
